Thomas K. Hunt has just been elected Poet Laureate for the village of Clayton, New York.
He is the first person to have this tremendous honor.
The post will begin in January 2024.

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A word is remembered
A feeling is felt that lingers within the emptiness inside
Thoughts become visions that dance for your memory
They take a bow; then they step aside
Deep forest darkness where shadows are heavy
You wander, it's easy to get lost
Recklessly stepping without caution
You're learning confusion has its cost
Lost and abandoned alone in the darkness
Goodbye echoes in your head
Helplessly searching for answers to questions
And reasons for words never said
Pain is swelling from a place in the unknown
There's hurt there; there can be no doubt
Sleeplessly aching, you sit in the nothing
And wonder will you always live without
Peering through diamonds on frost-covered windows
You wish yourself on the other side
Trying to connect to that feeling once held
You take chase, hoping to collide
Only to fall at the sound of goodbye


Fathers build, and mothers smile
Bear their fruit to drop their seeds
Within us all lives, a child
In soil rich beneath the weeds

Years of changing faces
Given eyes tell the truth
Aged lines leave subtle traces
Still, born from just one root

The torch we pass is everlasting
Red embers of bloodline names
Many molds from just one casting
Each one different but yet the same

Still, the foe of time fights against us
Always the victor in the field
Though we struggle with a mighty vengeance
We suffer a wound that never heals

Faces change to granite markers
Fleeting memories of what we were
Photographs in old footlockers
Become unfocused, faded, and blurred

Like the horizon steals the sunset
The ages rob our life of time
Yet like the sunrise in the morning
Another life is born from mine

Immortality does exist
Survived with each new fertile womb
Nature’s own enduring seed
Again will flower, again will bloom

Night Has Fallen

Night has fallen
Risen over dusk
Cooling with comfort
It blankets all of us

Melodies sung from feathers
Fade to silence in the night
Wing covered beaks
Reposed in shadows far from sight

Moonlit rays, filtered light
Seeping cracks, beams of white
Velvet breeze, smooth-n-plush
Softly rustles through the brush

Images of willing spirits
Donned by Luna’s grace
Pass the moon to say goodbye
Then drift to another place

Blazing trails across the sky
Witnessing final flight
A shooting star burns then dies
Freeing wishes to the night

Dreams fill the slowing pace of
Cascading light at day’s end
The sun fades til morrow
Night has fallen again

Copyright © 2023 Thomas K. Hunt

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5.0 out of 5 stars
A must read
Reviewed in the United States on November 4, 2021
Verified Purchase
Leaving French Creek Bay has to be one of the best poetry books I've ever read.
Thomas's imagery throughout the book places me right there sitting next to him experiencing all the seasons and the love for the river, family and friends. I highly recommend this book
In the Still of the Night

There's a mirror on my river with reflections of light
There's a calm in the evening that holds me tonight
Thoughts all around me seem to dance out of sight
Like silhouettes in the shadows in the still of the night
When I was younger, I smelled the air
Footloose and fancy without any cares
Friends all around me
What a friendship we shared
Friends forever are the echoes I hear
Echoes of laughter, dreams, and fears
Some have remained, some vanished with the years
The weak ones just faded while the strong held tight
As I sit by my river in the still of the night
There's a breeze kicking up now
It steals the calm
The reflections on my river are now all but gone
My thoughts are still dancing with the rhythm of the wind
They lead me away to the places I've been
They swirl me and twirl me, and it just feels so right
As I sit by my river in the still of the night

Blossoms in the Wind

Blown away like others
And others yet to come
Carried south by a northern wind
Is a son of a St. Lawrence son

Separated by necessity
Forced to choose another way
Dreaming of the setting sun
Reflecting prisms across the bay

The river lives forever
A perpetual flow of fresh and clean
And like his father before him
He knows what the river means

The innocence of childhood
The wisdom of the old
The beauty in a summer night
The winters long and cold

The simplicity of friendship
Effortlessly taken in
Hearts joined together
From beginning to the end

Buried in the fertile ground
And separated by the known
Are family members, all laid down
Under rows of faded stones

Each their own Gardner
Sowed their seeds to reap more
Blossoms carried with the wind
From roots by the St. Lawrence shore

Another Time to Say Good-bye

I’ve seen a vision soon to be reality
Fourteen hundred miles from where I am
Once again I’ll bathe in the river
In a few more days
I’ll be home again

Mother's eyes will be smiling
Three to add to one to make four
The true love of my being
Rests on the St. Lawrence shore

The celebration of family
The very essence of who you are
Faces around a candlelit table
Glowing in the light of the stars

Sister-n-aunts, Daughters-n-mothers
Sons-n-fathers, Nephews-n-brothers
Separated by miles but together in heart
Live with the pain of living apart

Friends that are forever
Smiles that don’t lie
Once a year is better than never
For the chance to be eye-to-eye

The days move like minutes
When I’m home I watch them fly
Time to pack another memory
Another time to say goodbye

Copyright © 2023 Thomas K. Hunt

A Book Signing at the Thousand Islands Museum, Clayton, NY

A Book Signing at Sharkeys Pub, Coral Springs, FL

Sami R.
5.0 out of 5 stars T.K. Hunt sketches simple sentiments that gives your heart a hug. Reviewed in the United States on December 8, 2022
Verified Purchase
Life: Seen Through the Eyes of a Struggling Survivor is, in brief: empathy. As an avid reader of autobiographies and true crime novels, a collection of poems is not something I usually gravitate to.

“Life” is not a book you plow through in mere days. “Life” is not laden with cliffhangers or plot lines that draw from the proverbial ‘beginning to end” sequences.

“Life” is a narrative of mostly one to two-paged passages that are reflective of youth, aging, love and loss.

“Life” is projective of the fears and hopes pontificated by a self-professed over-thinker who vets views to verses and styles sense from the senseless.

“Life” laments what and when is yet to come in a collective, contemplative coup.

Each ballad, abbreviated by phases and feelings: Life, Dreams, Family, Faith, Holidays, Memories, Seasons, the Heart, and Tributes.

You may find yourself stuck in a moment, reflecting on remembrances of lingering love loss. Perhaps you are tormented by tragedy or ear wormed by an existential epithet. You may be maddened by the meaning of life, pondering a person’s purpose, seeking safety spots to squint and squeeze out secluded sentiments that somehow we all share. When you peel a page from “Life” you find yourself happy, heard, hollowed, human and hugged.